
Client: Glasnost
Location: Valschermkade, Amsterdam
Size: 450 m2
Year: 2019

PR agency Glasnost is growing rapidly and has settled into a new construction building in Riekerhaven, Amsterdam. To brave the coming years, they’ve engaged to create a working environment capable of keeping pace with the company’s rapid growth and stimulating creativity in the office. Inspired by Gorbachev and his glasnost, this office has been given a Russian twist. The concrete, glass, and bricks (shaped as Russia) give it an industrial and raw look-and-feel. The khokhloma prints, matryoshka dolls, old propaganda, and references to important moments, places, and figures from Russian history make you feel as though you’re stepping into Russia of the past upon entry. Let’s go!

Apart from the design, we’ve also developed a workplace concept that completely aligns with the needs of Glasnost and its employees. The office has ample room for future growth, offers various meeting options with diverse meeting units, and offers the ability to work concentrated in one of the three focus rooms. The central spot and heart of the office is the kitchen, where employees come together to have lunch, relax, or kick off the Friday afternoon drinks.
